Old Brown Shoe



HELP! is my favorite Beatles movie, so I decided to make a special part of the site dedicated to it.

Why would I love HELP!? It's not as groundbreaking as AHDN, Yellow Submarine, or Let it Be, it was critically panned, and the boys were obviously stoned while filming it (see special section of the page for unbiased, undoctered proof). Big deal, I love it, and so do many members of The Beatles fandom). But the flick is hi-larious (yes, I just said hi-larious), and the boys, especially George, are dead sexy in it. So enjoy this tribute to HELP!
Warning: This is not you're average HELP! page. It is your un-traditional HELP! page. You may experience utter silliness, and my split your sides.

Reasons Why I love HELP!
1. Excellent soundtrack. Whenever I listen to it, I feel like I'm in the Bahamas.
2. The Ring. It is the most friggin awesome Ring. It looks like a ring-pop. I want to eat it. I want it.
3. The flat. I want to by that house, but then I realize, it's not a house, it's a soundstage.
4. John's bed. It is the most awesome bed-EVER! Not to mention the bookcase.
5. Paul's organ. I want to do the same thing with my electric piano.
6. George's grass floor. It's for a natural, earthy vibe. But it must be hard to take care of.
7. George's personal lawnmower. Let's face it. Everyone wants their own personal lawnmower for their grass floors, with their own chattering teeth, who also plays the flute.
8. Ahme's outfits. They are so awesome. My personal favorite: The pink one (with matching pretty in pink gun)
9. The adventures of Paul on the floor. A lot of the die-hard Paul fans love it because he's only wearing a Wrigley's wrapper, and he takes an orange-juice bath.
10. The bathroom sequence. I love it. The out-of-key humming, and the fact that the dryer sucks George's shirt up. And of course the ho-ho's.
11. The music in the fighting in the flat. I just got Capital Records Volume 2, and it has the song on the HELP! movie soundtrack CD. I love listening to it.
12. Intermission. They should do that for more movies.
13. Frollicking in the Alps. They looked like they were having so much fun, but really, they were stoned. HUGS NOT DRUGS!!!
14. The curling scene. I love George's curling outfit, and of course, it has one of my favorite lines.
15. The bar scene with the useless caption when the tiger comes in "A TIGER". And of course, the part when everyone bursts into song, singing "Ode to Joy", and John busts out his harmonica.
16. The meaningless, airport disguise scene. It made no sense. Still it was Beatlemania and the boys did what they had to do to avoid their fans, and plus with the Clang and Professor Foot chasing after them, there is a need to be undercover. Plus, John's in a wheelchair.
17. KAILI!!!!!!!!!!
18. The frolicking on the beach scene. Everyone loves seeing their favorite band, on a beach in tight clothing.
19. The deleted scene with Paul making donuts in a nice shiny car.
20. George Harrison. Period. According to Richard Lester, "George was by far the best actor of the four.

According to John, the Beatles were stoned throughout the filming of HELP!. Here, at The Old Brown Shoe, we have undoctered proof that they were clearly stoned.


After Clang does an award-winning ski jump. We see our favorite boys hiding out in a marching band wearing cute marching band uniforms. Ringo is playing the bass drum, John and Paul are playing the some weird kind of trumpet, and George is playing the cymbals.


We see below, in these undoctered photos, that George is taking a bite out of his cymbals. George clearly, and obviously has a case of the munchies, brought on after smoking a few joints. He is really hungry, so he takes a bite out of the cymbals that he is holding. If you don't believe me, watch the DVD and rewind and pause the scene.
NOTE: This is just a joke. We do not believe that George was actually that stoned to take a bite out his delicious cymbals. The point of this story: Give George a joint and he'll become a really good actor. HUGS NOT DRUGS, KIDS, HUGS NOT DRUGS!





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