You know you are obsessed with The Beatles if...
You know all the lyrics to all of their songs, including Revolution Number 9 (backwards and forwards)
Your room/locker/car is a Beatles shrine.
Before you leave your house, you kiss a picture of your favorite Beatle.
You have altered pictures of your favorite Beatle with their girlfriend/wife with a picture of yourself.
You can relate any word to The Beatles.
You start to incorporate scouse words such as "gear" into your daily conversations.
You randomly start speaking in a scouser's accent when talking to friends.
You refer to your enemies/friends' annoying boyfriends/girlfriends as "Yoko" or "Heather".
Whenever you hear a Beatles song/see your boys on TV, you scream, breaking several mirrors and glasses in the
You can point out any Beatles reference when wathcing TV or a movie.
Your love looks very similar to your favorite Beatle.
You create replicas of The Beatles on The Sims and hook them up with a replica of yourself.
You have repeated dreams with them.
You force your boyfriend to get a moptop.
Lennon glasses turn you on.
You dress up as your favorite Beatle for Halloween. (or any other random day)
Beatlefest is your Woodstock.
You have memorized the lines to all of their movies (bonus points for Let it Be and The Anthology)
You watch the Anthology and cry at the end.
You quote songs when talking to friends.
You are literally in love with your favorite Beatle.
You have your own Beatle-ly website.